Girl Power …or something.

It’s been a month since my last post.


With the weight of the holidays sitting heavy on my shoulders, I just didn’t have it in me to force a post.

But that weight has been lifted, and I’m doing much better. I’ve completed my Christmas shopping, everything that was stressing me, or causing some sort of uproar has definitely settled down.

Hopefully I’m able to calm my shit, now.

Anyway. On topic for this post.

I was texting with my cousin, playing catch up as adults do. We may not talk as often as we’d like, due to busy schedules but we make up for it.

I learned that her bank (now former) was giving her all kinds of shit, after she was hacked. Without going into much detail, because it’s not my story to really share… it was just incredibly stressful for her. I found it equally as stressful, because, like… that’s my cousin, y’all. I don’t want her to go through any kind of anything! There wasn’t anything I could do but try to help her find solutions, or listen when she needed to vent. I did reach out to the bank, and asked for answers on her behalf. She’s out here working her ass off, and I felt like I could at least try and get someone to tell her something, as she’s gotten no answers on what’s going on.

And that got me thinking….

Women helping women.

When I was going through my own personal shit, and I needed to get my phone and bank account sorted (I was on someone else’s plan and a joint account), the men in both establishments seemed to avoid me. It was the kindness and patience of two women who stepped forward and helped me get everything figured out. I probably read too much into it, but it was extremely comforting to me. It was like they were saying “don’t worry, girl, I got you.”

That was years ago, and I still think of those women.

Girls supporting girls, women supporting women, didn’t use to happen as much as it does now. It’s starting to be trendy and I think it’s one of the few trends I actually like.

I mean, I’m totally trendy. I’m cool. I’m hip.

I’m old.

But that’s off topic.

It’s incredibly refreshing to see girls out here, women out here, helping one another. Picking up one another when they’re down. Gassing one another up. Making each other feel great about themselves. I love it.

I’m sure there’s some cattiness, but I don’t see a lot of that on my social media.

Instead of tearing one another down, build each other up. Lend a hand, an ear. Offer kind words.

It cost zero dollars to be kind.

What did all that have to do with the bank story? I don’t know, other than it made me think of the woman who helped me at my bank, when I needed it. I guess in a weird way, I’m hoping a woman will reach out and help her, too.

Okay. That’s it. That’s the post.

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